[Release] AFK Monitor
AFK Monitor
Developed by DoktorSAS
Black ops II Zombies Version
How to use it?
- Add to your init level thread endgame_fix();
init(){ level thread onPlayerConnect(); level thread endgame_fix(); }
- Add on your onPlayerConnect player thread player_is_afk();
onPlayerConnect(){ for(;;){ level waittill("connected", player); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); player thread player_is_afk(); } }
- Add yo your code this functions
player_is_afk(){ // Made by DoktorSAS self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); old_origin = self.origin; old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); seconds_to_be_afk = 5; // Change this value to change wait time to be afk counter = 0; wait 5; // Wait time to turn on AFK Script for(;;){ old_origin = self.origin; old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); wait 1; if(distance(old_origin, self.origin) <= 5 && old_angles == self getPlayerAngles() && counter < seconds_to_be_afk){ counter++; }else if(counter == seconds_to_be_afk){ self thread maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_spectating::setspectatepermissions(); self.sessionstate = "spectator"; self thread print_to_all( self.name + " is ^1AFK^7, now the player is on Spectator"); old_origin = self.origin; old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); while(distance(old_origin, self.origin) <= 5 || old_angles != self getPlayerAngles()){ old_angles = self getPlayerAngles(); wait 0.05; } self.sessionstate = "playing"; counter = 0; }else if(counter > seconds_to_be_afk) counter = 0; } } endgame_fix(){ self endon("disconnect"); level endon("end_game"); level waittill("connected", player); for(;;){ wait 1; counter = 0; foreach(player in level.players){ if(player.sessionstate == "spectator" || !isAlive(player)) counter++; } if(counter == level.players.size) level notify("end_game"); } } print_to_all( msg ){ foreach( player in level.players) player iprintln( msg ); }
How to change time to be AFK?
On the code there a variable called seconds_to_be_afk just chaneg the value of this variable to change the time to put afk status a player
Cooming soon
As far as recognizing if someone is afk and putting him into spectator works flawless
But the player does not join in when any input is given tho. And if the round ends and the afk player will be respawned he spawns without his old equipment