Your game is outdated (r-2093033569 against r1051). Please run plutonium.exe to update your game. anyone got a fix??? My friends and I have been getting this message while trying to play LAN mode zombies together.
ItzTobaggan did you try doing what it says?
yes running plutonium.exe does nothing but run the game for me
Dss0 sorry forgot to @ you but i did and it just runs the launcher thats what plutonium.exe is
try to click on its .exe properties, run it as admin, and windows 7 compatibility mode
Felipe_xyz didnt work unfortunately, turned windows 7 compatibility mode on and ran as administrator. any other ideas?
weird, but the only way to really solve it, is to reinstall the game -
I feel dumb rn, I launched the game in normal mode instead of LAN mode and it worked!!! I thought you had to play in LAN mode to connect to people via IP address
my bad thank you guys though
ItzTobaggan i have the same problem when i launch the game