[Support] Disable Function (Damage) of Grenades and Tacticals
Hello Guys!
I´m trying to disable the Damage of Schockcharges, Semtex, Flashbangs ... but its not working with my corrent Script, can someone help!?
Extract from the script: (onPlayerDamage)
if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "frag_grenade" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "concussion_grenade_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "sticky_grenade_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "willy_pete_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "hatchet_mp" ) { iDamage = 100; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "sensor_grenade_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "bouncingbetty_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "emp_grenade_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "satchel_charge_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "proximity_grenade_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "claymore_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "pda_hack_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "trophy_system_mp" ) { iDamage = 0; } if ( StrTok(sWeapon, "_")[0] == "flash_grenade_mp" ) { iDamage = 0;
What you're actually interested in, is the
With it, you match against damage types.
Here are a few ones that should get you pretty far.
You can find more by e.g. justiprintln
ing the parameter and then testing all kinds of damage.onplayerdamage(einflictor, eattacker, idamage, idflags, smeansofdeath, sweapon, vpoint, vdir, shitloc, psoffsettime) { if(smeansofdeath == "MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH" || smeansofdeath == "MOD_IMPACT" || smeansofdeath == "MOD_GAS" || smeansofdeath == "MOD_EXPLOSIVE") idamage = 0; return idamage; }
But really, this is probably for trickshotting? Maybe just allow damage from the weapon class sniper, and ignore everything else?
Ox_ said in Disable Function (Damage) of Grenades and Tacticals:
But really, this is probably for trickshotting? Maybe just allow damage from the weapon class sniper, and ignore everything else?
How would I do this?
You are splitting the weapon string by every
take the first element and then compare it against a string that has an_
, that is why your code is not and will never work.