is it possible for the next update to keep: waypointiconheight & waypointiconwidth saved ?
Would be amazing. For Search and Destroy and also Domination the big waypoint icons are really annoying.
greetings Rosamaha
Xerxes It appears you're not alone.
Rosamaha - what size do you suggest?
Mr. Android xerxes and me are austrian brothers
I played some rounds with 16 which is OK, but 10 would be the perfect size, I guess. You see the icons enough and it wont annoy you again in gunfights close to the objectives.greetings!
On a similar topic, I think reducing the scoreboard size would be fitting too, gives it a more modern look:
cg_scoreboardItemHeight 15 cg_scoreboardBannerHeight 20
H3X1C just read it now. Yep!! I 100% agree with you, please bring these 2 commands into the config for the next patch to keep it safe
greetings rosamaha -
H3X1C said in is it possible for the next update to keep: waypointiconheight & waypointiconwidth saved ?:
On a similar topic, I think reducing the scoreboard size would be fitting too, gives it a more modern look:
cg_scoreboardItemHeight 15 cg_scoreboardBannerHeight 20
but why would we want it to look modern isnt the whole point of this to be a massive nostalgia trip and keep all the odd things that made mw3 what it was???3
spyfullgaming it is every players choice what he wants to keep in classic style and what not ... but mainly this client helps to make the shit things which IW did to the steam version, to make them better.
Due to the games age, some HUD elements look pixelated on large resolutions. Also it's a configuration option, you can always change it.