[Resource] Custom CMD Commands
Custom CMD Commands
Only on Plutonium T6 you can use a function to add commands in console to activate what you want. it is very simple to use. It only takes a few lines of code to make a command.
onPlayerConnect(){ level endon("game_ended"); for(;;){ level waittill("connected", player); player thread command_exemple(); } } command_exemple(){ self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "exemple_notify", "exemple" ); for(;;){ self waittill( "exemple_notify" ); self iprintln("Hello! from Command exemple"); } }
Practical Example
Let's imagine we want to create a trickshot server, some very convenient commands for these users can be.
Fast Last
last_command(){ self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "last_notify", "last" ); for(;;){ self waittill( "last_notify" ); self SetScore( 29 ); } } SetScore( kills ){ self.pointstowin = kills; self.pers["pointstowin"] = self.pointstowin; self.score = kills*100; self.pers["score"] = self.score; self.kills = kills; self.deaths = randomInt(11)*2; self.headshots = randomInt(7)*2; self.pers["kills"] = self.kills; self.pers["deaths"] = self.deaths; self.pers["headshots"] = self.headshots; }
Give Ammo
ammo_command(){ self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "ammo_notify", "ammo" ); for(;;){ self waittill( "ammo_notify" ); gun = self getCurrentWeapon(); off = self getCurrentOffHand(); if(gun != "none"){ self setWeaponAmmoClip(gun, weaponClipSize(gun)); self giveMaxAmmo(gun); } if(off != "none") self giveMaxAmmo(off); } }
Give Scorestreak
give_killsteaks_command(){ self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "killsteaks_notify", "killsteaks" ); for(;;){ self waittill( "killsteaks_notify"); self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_score::_setplayermomentum(self,9999); } }
If you have other ideas for commands you can tell me and I will add them. So we can make a nice list of codes ready to use
I can't use it, is there an include?