DirectX ecnountered an unrecoverable error.
@Pourman9 i also have the same error
muchiesalex Did you find any method to fix it?
Why is the game on your Desktop? This is not a good place to have program files. I suggest
Also once you have moved the game folder I suggest re-running piry.exe and watching the console output, it may be getting an error.
I did it. Nothing seems to work.
@Pourman9 no im stuck in the same situation.
press win p it worked for me
Mr. Android hola tengo el mismo error de direct X
Me too, I reinstall the program 5 times and didn't work
I tried everything, I ran all the program as administrator And updated the graphics And directx Driver.I think this is permanent error.
This is my friends PC, he can't play COD with me , any ideas to help -
dejordy te ha funcionado me pasa lo mismo y ya e instalado dirext x mil veces y actualize mi grafica y nada no consigo que funcione.
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Pourman17 Just solved it! Press WIN + P, and select to project only your main monitor if you have multiple. Or "show only second screen".
It´s not very convenient but it´s just a shortcut before laucnhing the game.