T6 Zombies crashes under wine 6.1 + dxvk (master)
I managed to run the launcher in Linux, and log in. But the client crashes right after starting it:
The crashdump txt file contains the following 2 lines:
Exception Code: 0xC0000005 Exception Address: 0x20959D91
And the dmp file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wbtKaw6XX2qwJItfqOlsMMWnGDZUpJIi/view
I'd appreciate some help. Thanks.
Its a crash somewhere in the bootstrapper, the crash address seems to be unique enough so I can't find a second one with that issue at all so it probably is an issue with it running with wine / on Linux. You can only hope for RektInator to help you.
I had this issue as well, I fixed it by doing:
winetricks -q --force d3dcompiler_43 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43 gfw msasn1 physx vcrun2008 vcrun2012 xact_x64 xact xinput
I used this as a reference:
https://gist.github.com/tpurde/f6e9d3f9d96da33e2151d1678b768f57 -
pants Yeah, that seems to fix the crash. Thanks.
Now the only problem is the hardware cursor is a bit wonky (or nonexistent). I'm sure it's a matter of tinkering with the configuration.
winecfg -> Graphics -> Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows