Solution for anyone having trouble with plutonium on ubuntu 20.10 following pants tutorial.
i have been trying to follow this tutorial for about a week now with no luck.
i finally figured it out though, if this tutorial does not work for you; first make sure your running ubuntu 20.10 groovy gorilla. then install a package called winbind using;
sudo apt install winbind
then run
export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_plutonium
then run
then go to the libraries tab and add a new override for library, scroll down to xactengine2_1.dll and click on it to add it to your wine prefix. after that you will likely want to go to the graphics tab and click auto capture mouse in fullscreen and/or emulate full desktop and set the resolution to match your monitor.
after that hopefully you will have a working plutonium t6 installation that will launch using the script provided by the above tutorial.
thank you so much pants for the tutorial i would have given up long ago if i hadnt known someone somewhere got it to work tbh i did give up a few times but i knew this feeling would be worth it when i finally got it to run so i kept getting drawn back like a moth to a flame.
im only using bo2 but i think this should work for the entire client as my problem was that i couldnt even get the plutonium client to execute at all. ive put this post in the bo2 client support section but perhaps it would be better suited in a more general support where it would have better visibility, im not much of a forum person so ill let someone else worry about that.
i have a game to go enjoy