[Release] Set Money On Spawn Zombies
First you need to make a self thread with setmoney() and place it under your welcome()
welcome() { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); self thread setmoney(); }
Next set this anywhere in your script
setmoney() { self.score = 500000; }
Or if you want it just for yourself and not the whole lobby do this.
setmoney() { if( self.name == "Raging MoDz" ) // This is my name. Change this to your ingame name. { self.score = 500000; } }
Have any questions add my Discord: Ashton Biehl#6969
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hey, just wondering if this still works or if its any different, etc?
n00bie You are asking this guy almost a year and 5 months later if a 9 line script still works?!