I know so many people are asking for cod bo1 and the plutonium team don't have plans to add it (I guess they have their reasons), but I'm here to give my reasons why cod bo1 should come to plutonium
- Not worth buying:
in 2021 cod bo1 it's a quite bit dead, the only reason there is for the people to keep playing the game is for the zombies mode (I'll touch on this topic later), and the people who keep playing are very few.
but I know are a bunch of people playing this game in an illegal version so maybe there is more than that
in that illegal version neither there isn't a client support available (not that I know), so we can't play with friends, play MP, or any game mode online, so have it in plutonium will gather all that illegal players to this stable version and probably that little group of legal players too.
- Greater security
as I mentioned before with this newer version of cod bo1 will come illegals players, players that maybe are cheaters or noobs wanting to annoy others, so we have an anti-cheats and that will increase the number of new players and decrease the numbers of cheaters in this cod
the method to download it will be safer, I been trying to download this cod in pages illegals but I feel I'm downloading 10 GBS of virus, but if comes to plutonium we will know are safe to download.
- Zombies
bro, I'll honest with you, we want cod bo1 for the zombies mode, no one will play this MP having the MPs of bo2 or mw3 available in plutonium
I know we have zombies mode of bo2 but isn't enough, we can't add custom maps to this game or mods (only variants of the same maps) so if the plutonium team will not add bo3, add cod bo1 instead, as the zombies community in cod bo1 is active publishing new custom maps to this game.
so, please if you can add cod bo1 to plutonium we will be grateful
PD: you are doing a great job with this project, keep it up
JezuzLizard Hello, thank you for your post. It recently came to our attention that a lot of people would be interested in a proper Black Ops 1 client for Plutonium. Together with the other Administrators, we have approved your request and we will be making a multiplayer/zombies client for Black Ops 1 for nostalgia purposes.
klakiercxwrote on Apr 17, 2021, 9:57 PM last edited by H3X1C Apr 18, 2021, 9:24 PM
JezuzLizard lol
is it a troll that they are adding it to pluto ? Because this would really revive the thing
I would love to see BO1 in plutonium, I really hope it is not a joke
BO1 plutonium is something I need in my life
I have spent my day refreshing the server but there is nobody online on rekt5 that’s a fact
All the people are in private match, pluto can revive the online thing -
Xerxes big dead
Xerxes yeah there is people.
Maybe you can find one at 8pm, an other at 3pm but the rest of the time, nobody except bots.
I said t5 is dead for a reason, thats a fact that it is pain to enjoy the game because most of the time u playing solo -
JezuzLizard i'd kill for t5 client
RektInator how long would it take to make bo1?
JezuzLizard This would be awesome, mainly because, it would open up a bunch of opportunities for people to create maps for bo1, there are ONLY a few maps out there.
RektInator the question is, will it support any of the 'credits' you earnt in the game, to buy weapons, wager matches etc? or will that be too big?
@ErrorYoruka said in CoD BO1:
RektInator how long would it take to make bo1?
yeah i wanna now too -
RektInator im getting cap vibes tbh
@URaMIstake said in CoD BO1:
RektInator im getting cap vibes tbh
a lot of time -
if it dead then why we want it
adamokke52 then dont play it duh