General Discussion
contii ok thanks!
Hey, so what time T5 pluto gonna be dropped today?
seen that is was posted t5 was released how do i updated to play it
Sugaman44 i want to know that too
guys it's now out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can anyone tell me how to play zombies with friends?
Tajc9 idk either i want to show my friends that have never played bo1 zombies how fun it is playing kino, CoTD, and moon together
i have been away for like 2 days and everybody is moding changing camos of bo1 jesus!
Tajc9 We have the same issue, me and my pal have been trying to join each other. But so far, no dice. Mods, is there any way to play Zombies with a friend? So far it's broken.
xXfrostXx Play Only Black ops 2 Zombies
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