BO2 Plutonium is supported on windows 8.1 pro

Windows 8.1 Support -
How can I connect my PS4 controller?try using ds4windows
Boost FPS Mode?GIANNARAS to seeing to buy a notebook with a ryzen 3500u with Radeon 625 and ssd nvme 256gb and 8gb ram ddr4
Boost FPS Mode?Oldsclgk_ObiWan I am seeing some notebooks for my parents to buy maybe
and maybe in a year and a half get a pc gamer -
Boost FPS Mode?GIANNARAS I play with this resolution
Boost FPS Mode?Oldsclgk_ObiWan ok thanks but i am not able to buy newer hardware i live in brazil the prices of notebooks or pc gamers are expensive here the minimum wage here and for the month is 1045 reais which is the currency of the country
Boost FPS Mode?Oldsclgk_ObiWan I play with everything at minimum resolution at 800x600 with texture at low ffxa off anbient oclusion off and I rotate between 17 fps to 28 in hijacked
Boost FPS Mode?GrownMallard you can teach how to do this i have 4gb drr3
Boost FPS Mode?GrownMallard i have an i3 2330m i run only from 17 to 30 at most
My controller dose not work.Galaxy_Drifterz you use with usb or wireless
My controller dose not work.Galaxy_Drifterz try using an external program like ds4 windows
Boost FPS Mode?Dss0 because this is the notebook I play I live in Brazil here and things are very expensive
Boost FPS Mode?Host_nik i use i3 2230m 2.2ghz processor integrated board
I can't get 30fps in hijacked -
Boost FPS Mode?You will put some type of fps boost for those who have a weaker pc
to install plutonium in another location?Dss0 thanks
to install plutonium in another location?if i reinstall plutonium on another local disk it will stop saying that error: error downloading game settings?
Private Client FOr BO1Dss0 but I need steam bo1 I have people who don't
low fps im bo2Dss0 just wanted to get 30 fps always
low fps im bo2I have a weak computer bo2 squeegee at an average of 8 to 20 fps has to do a boost?
i have an i3 2330m 2.2ghz
4gb drr3
640gb hdd