how to get camo in game?

diamond damascus -
Bo2 zombies freezes at round 16-20@Adem-XD i3 2100 4gb ram amd radeon 6450 hd 250 gb hdd ima upgrade to a gtx 1050 soon and later upgrade to an i5
Bo2 zombies freezes at round 16-20my pc specs are i3 2100 4gb ram amd radeon 6450 hd 250 gb hdd not that good but enough for pluto
Bo2 zombies freezes at round 16-20Hello when i play zombies on servers i can play till round 16-20 and than my game freezes and i get a black screen displayed than i need to restart plutonium again and i can play again from the round my game froze, can anyone help me with this?