Know it's been a while, but can't wait for the next skin set!
![Aax Aax](/assets/uploads/profile/uid-1526809/1526809-profileavatar-1691986456514.png)
5th Weaponskinset by Lappen.exe -
[ZM]weapon skinare these PAP or non PAP'd camos?
Need help making custom camos/prestige iconsDo you have Discord? If so, add me, Aax#1900 and I can send you the iwi_dds_fast_converter.exe file
Animated Buried PAP camo@Tentha Hey, where would we find the code like this in the files? Could you send me the path so I could modify this? I would really appreciate it
Can anyone change this camo from MP to ZMNice -XIX- This specific camo is not able to be transferred, since it replaces the dragon camo. AFAIK, the camo used in PaP Origins is based on the Weaponized 115 camo, so it wouldn't be applicable. However, if you find an Weaponized 115 camo for MP, that can be used to replace the Origins PaP camo.
Solo record beatenNew solo record (Round 29) beaten on Green Run - Farm - Survival, previously held by Lord_Mirror (Round 21). Congrats for holding it for so long, I challenge you to beat mine now.
(Follow to play with me, I'm very active, NA East & Central)