FrenzyFruit i am sorry but you will not get far with win7

Alexander R
@Alexander R
Help error on Windows 7 64 bits -
I tried to download the launcher but it keeps saying "Failed to download file bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe"HannesC ok thx i will ry
I tried to download the launcher but it keeps saying "Failed to download file bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe"HannesC i have win 10 i think its the av how i deactivate?
I tried to download the launcher but it keeps saying "Failed to download file bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe"HannesC what is that an av?
I tried to download the launcher but it keeps saying "Failed to download file bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe"Xerxes thx it installed now i also set it up but it chrashes as soon as i click play
I tried to download the launcher but it keeps saying "Failed to download file bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe"HannesC I did now it says cant continue msvcp140.dll not found Wenn i
press ok there is another error what says cant be continued vcruntime140.dll not found -
I tried to download the launcher but it keeps saying "Failed to download file bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe"Dss0 also my plutonium is not named plutonium.exe its just plutonium and its 4.123 kb is that normal?
I tried to download the launcher but it keeps saying "Failed to download file bin/plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe"Dss0 How do i run it as an admin?