Xerxes said in How to rotate CUSTOM maps in T4 zm?:
You could check if exec is a valid token for the maprotation on T4 and if so you could leverage that to change all needed dvars.
Ty, I tried with exec but I'm getting "Unknown keyword 'exec' in sv_mapRotation" in the console logs so ig it's not valid on T4SP.
I'm getting a successful heartbeat with this command (.bat):
cd C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Plutonium && start /wait /abovenormal bin\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe t4sp C:\server\t4 -dedicated +set zombiemode 1 +set key <server_key> +exec server_zm.cfg +set net_port 28961 +map_rotate +set fs_game mods/custom_01
But I get this after trying to rotate:
"sv_mapRotation" is:"map custom_01 map custom_02"
"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is:" map custom_02"
Setting map: custom_02.
Error: Can't find map "custom_02".
A mod is required for custom maps
It has something to do with the last part of my command (set fs_game mods/custom_01).
Tested several variations by playing with it, no success.
+set fs_game mods/
+set fs_game mods/*
+set fs_game "mods/custom_01" "mods/custom_02"
+set fs_game "mods/custom_01" & "mods/custom_02"
+set fs_game mods/custom_01 +set fs_game mods/custom_02
If you have other suggestions, please share.
I have a good db 100+ of custom maps and I'd like to setup rotation on them.