Is there any way for bots to be added in zombies? Playing offline zombies gets kinda lonely.

[Support] Bots in Zombies -
Thread Hijackinghomura Thank you very much. Sorry for hijacking someone else's post. I'll make sure not to do so in the future.
BO2 "Graphics" improvementXerxes my pc doesn't have any graphics card and also a terrible CPU so it kinda explains why my FPS is literal crap
Thread HijackingMr. Android When attempting to run Plutonium the updated file for the fix for the offline error issue (Plutonium r372), my anti-virus software says there's a virus. Is this true, or is it just a similar file type as many other viruses?
BO2 "Graphics" improvementXerxes You can't push out 144+ FPS if your PC is as old as the game though (basically my PC)
[Release] [GSC] Zombies Custom Powerup | Unlimited AmmoOx_ Excuse me, but I was wondering if there's a file as of now or in the future that contains this code for this phenomenal custom unlimited ammo power-up, and if it can or will be easily inserted into the BO2 folder. I'm not very familiar with coding, likely along with some others on this forum, so it would be of great help if you could address whether or not it will be released publicly, or if it is and I'm too stupid to understand where it is. I would very much enjoy using this power-up during games, and many others would too.
Favorite Call of Duty entry?I'm a normie so imma say Modern Warfare (2019) just cause the campaign is amazing and the multiplayer is action packed and somewhat realistic and very fun. BO2 is my second pick because of just how good multiplayer and zombies is.
What are you currently listening to? -
Favourite Websites?vhetti are the websites required to be G-rated
What's your favorite fruit / berry?Lingonberry tho if yall been to IKEA
hi, say it backAnime Hello, my good sir.