bo4 styled hud download
bo4 perk/powerup shaders
bo4 styled hud download
bo4 perk/powerup shaders
this script will make any door you power with the turbine open forever (even pap door)
level.local_doors_stay_open = 1;
I would do this myself but I'm not skilled enough, if anyone would want to make a skybox similar to the sky in this alpha image for tranzit that would be cool
Im talking about the panel, you can see on the screenshot
add the friendly monke
the last one kinda reminds me of cold war die maschine graffiti
hindercanrun Yep, Im putting a cheat sheet ontop of the texture
GhostRider0125 It injects just like reshade and hacks, So it will most likely ban you
GhostRider0125 honestly it would be cool if more of tranzit had graffiti on it ngl
I think this is only possible with mod tools (that dont exist yet)
GhostRider0125 michael jackson hehe
can someone make one that would be sick!
SantiTheII ive done it, i might post it here when i have the chance
GhostRider0125 lol