I've wanted to change the zombie blood to double points in Origins on my dedicated server. However I have no clue how. I've tried making this script with chatgpt but the script didnt work. Chatgpt says that the entity names might be off. Anyone know what the entity names of double_points zombie_perk and/or spawnBox are? Thanks in advance!
The script:
// main.gsc
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility;
if ( GetDvarInt( "scr_disablePlutoniumFixes" ) )
// Existing code...
level thread setup_perk_override();
// Ensure this script runs only in solo mode
if ( level.numPlayers == 1 )
level thread change_perk_in_spawn_box();
// Wait for the map to be fully loaded
wait 5;
// Find the spawn box entity (adjust the entity name as needed)
spawnBox = getEnt("spawn_box", "targetname");
// Check if the spawn box is found
if (isDefined(spawnBox))
// Change the perk to Double Points
spawnBox.zombie_perk = "double_points";