Does anyone else ever crave mcdonalds fries but then realize that they taste like ass in north america so you take a plane to germany and then go to the mcdonalds in the airport but they ran out of fries so you fly to the netherlands but on the way to your hotel the break and the entire country floods so now you have to swim over to belgium but the mcdonalds there doesnt have any deepfryer oil so then you go over to luxembourg but the mcdonalds is under renovation so then you go to france but then you leave because french people are bad so then you go to italy and get the fries but then you realize theyve been fried in OLIVE OIL you allergic to olives so you have to go to the hospital and when you get to the hospital the nurse asks you what you want to eat and you say you want mcdonalds fries but they STILL HAVE OLIVE OIL so then you die and go to hell where they have a mcdonalds and you get fries