with the image
did you do yet GhostRider0125
budussy fart
@budussy fart
Names of PaP files. -
Names of PaP files.like put the image to where you can see it and then in words put SAD BOYZ 4LIFE
Names of PaP files.GhostRider0125 this can you put this on barrel? and add SAD BOYZ 4LIFE on the side of barrel wit the image
(https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Me3JOgVT3G4pB38hy0Qa0AHaGu?w=185&h=180&c=7&r=0&o=5&dpr=1.3&pid=1.7) -
Names of PaP files.GhostRider0125 on the side barrel and grip match the color of the image on barrel
Names of PaP files.GhostRider0125 yo ghostrider was wondering if you can make a junio h sad boyz 4 life II camo
for the m1911 on bo2 or all
weapons if possible