@WeedLikeToSmoke thanks

cachorro louco
GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camo -
GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camoLKurama said in GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camo:
I exactly wanted to do what you've made. But for unknown reasons, there's a different result. So, that's a great job
oh man thanks
GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camoChooch
I already did this man https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/26385/custom-camo-pack-replace-paladin-camo -
GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camoLKurama thank youยดp I don't think it was better than your version I just think it was different
GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camoGhostRider0125 thanks
GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camoDss0 thanks
GOLD MW 2019 replace paladin camo -
[T6MP] Numbers CamoLKurama beautiful camo
custom camo pack replace paladin camoTom Sawyer said in custom camo pack replace paladin camo:
Can you send me the game's default camouflage files?? i was trying to make custom camouflages.
Exclusion Zone for BO2 -
Exclusion Zone for BO2Mr. Klazakizov thanks
custom camo gold mw2(2022) replace paladin camoAriana_Grande vlw
custom camo pack replace paladin camo@fafitax I tried to do it but I couldn't man sorry but I'll try more tomorrow because I'll have more free time
custom camo pack replace paladin camor00swell thanks
custom camo pack replace paladin camoGhostRider0125 thanks
custom camo pack replace paladin camodeserves thanks
custom camo pack replace paladin camomy version ORION(MW2 2022) REGAL(MWREMASTERED) ROYALITY(AW) DAMASCUS(MW2019) the only weapon that was bad was the mp7 because the texture doesn't have the metallic tone but the other weapons were cool
[MP - Release] Pixel Militarized CamoLKurama very nice
custom camo gold mw2(2022) replace paladin camoChooch said in custom camo gold mw2(2022) replace paladin camo:
When you and if you do a second camo pack. could you try and include the oreon camo from mw2 2022. that would be much appreciated
I'll try, I already have 2 camos ready from the pack, 2 more left I'll try to include the one you asked for
custom camo gold mw2(2022) replace paladin camor00swell thank you I thought about doing the mw 2019 but here on the site it already exists and it is very beautiful https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/18353/t6mp-release-mw2019-gold-camo