Okay, I will follow the guide. But before I do, I have a question. If my friend is the one who has issues in hosting, should he be the one to follow them? He's just weary of modifying his router settings. Just wondering, in order to save time.

Unable to join lobby with friend -
Unable to join lobby with friend
My friend also has this same rule added to his router. -
Unable to join lobby with friendI followed the steps, still get the issue.
Unable to join lobby with friendFor some reason, I cannot join my friend when he is host, but he is able to join me when I host. Both of our UPnP is set to enabled, and when he proceeds to use the command xpartygo, my game does not join when I double click his name in friends list. I have also typed connect [IP address] in the console and nothing happens.
Any explanations
or a fix? Edit: I plan to try port forwarding, but it would still be helpful to know the reason why it only works with a specific host.