Xerxes Is there a way to only delete the code that omits the special rounds? I'm practicing high rounds on Die Rise rn and I want the max rounds to be enabled. Tried looking for the exact code in the file but can't seem to find it?
CJ Panza Whooo
How to start matches in more high rounds in zombies -
How to start matches in more high rounds in zombiesResxt Hi, for 5and5's strat tester is there a way to only delete the code that omits the special rounds? I'm practicing high rounds on Die Rise rn and I want the max rounds to be enabled. Tried looking for the exact code in the GSC file but can't seem to find it?
How to start matches in more high rounds in zombiesIs there a way to only delete the code that omits the special rounds? I'm practicing high rounds on Die Rise rn and I want the max rounds to be enabled. Tried looking for the exact code in the GSC file but can't seem to find it?
How to start matches in more high rounds in zombiesCaralloCheirento Is there a way to only delete the code that omits the special rounds? I'm practicing high rounds on Die Rise rn and I want the max rounds to be enabled. Tried looking for the exact code in the file but can't seem to find it?
ZM - Script usefullNaomi_ Hi, so I followed the instructions exactly as described and when I start a solo game the timer doesn't show up. I only dropped that file in the scripts folder cause that's all I wanted but it isn't displaying in game. Is their a console command to enable it or should it automatically be enabled once I spawn in? Here is my exact file path.
Please get back to me ASAP. thanks