also, may I add you on discord? my user is blues clues#6969. since I'm on the server so often I've come across problematic players and been unable to do anything. I don't want mod but having a system or way to speak up about bugs, server issues, exploits and glitches, and griefing players would be nice. thanks~

Unban Request/Review for @Optimus X (server) -
Unban Request/Review for @Optimus X (server)Ik this may not be the right way to do this but I have no idea how to contact you otherwise Optimus X , I was playing with my friends on the farm OP Gold server and kind of insulted you in chat as a joke to my friends, obviously I have no problem with you and they knew that as well as u, (I hope lol) and was banned for 4 weeks a couple minutes later with the message: Respect Players. I had no intention of seeming disrespectful but you are welcome to review logs and I do apologize for what i said, but given context im sure you can tell i was joking. Even if you believe I fully meant what I said, I believe an instant 4 week ban is pretty excessive given exactly what was said. I'd be happy with even a reduced time period for the ban, as I understand that regardless what I said was insulting, joke or not. I apologize for the inconvenience if you do end up reviewing this and thank you for looking into it.
-side note
I did also, prior to the ban, ask my friends who were already in the server 2000 & 4000 if they could help me test if leaving the server and rejoining would reorder leaderboard for name order if we got record, I'd like to clarify that i did not mean to essentially tell them to leave and have never told players to do so.