Brainchampion ive already tried these and numerous other things and it doesn't seem to work at all, i believe whats happening right now is a new bug that no one knows how to fix yet but as chase said since hes removing profiles then there will be no worry anymore. i appreciate the help though

The Plutonium T4 (WAW) Suggestions Thread -
The Plutonium T4 (WAW) Suggestions Threadthis isnt really a suggestion but more of a "bug fix" but as of rn the steam version is unplayable if you have bought the game very recently, as creating a user profile is now bugged and doesnt work anymore for most people meaning we cant play multiplayer or host servers, the only "fix" around this (as far as i know) is to already have a user profile created before this whole bug happened, seeing a fix for this would be nice so steam users who have just recently bought the game like me can just install the client straight to our game directory rather than having to install a whole new torrent for the game. i imagine you guys already know about this bug but in case not then i hope that this will encourage a fix for it.