its not but okay

[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis) -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)Mol3r
is the nav table built? -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)Mol3r
On the github page in “releases” -
[Zombies] Custom Round Color RGBBrayan_XD_YT
Message me on discord
DaddyDontStop#5402 -
[Zombies] Custom Round Color RGB -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)pgimme
Never tested but i would just have one in the folder at a time to be safe -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)Albatros935
Message me on discord -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)Albatros935
Yes pluto needs custom scripts to be compiled -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)Robermen
Are you using the compiled version? Another words, the file you put into your highrise folder, does it end with “-compiled”? -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)BryggaN
great question!
tbh im not sure, ive played bo2 on pc with friends twice. im curious, i would say try of both scenarios and let me know how it works out! -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)WolflexZ
msg me on discord, my username is in the comments above -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)WolflexZ if you follow the steps I have provided, it is 100% possible
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)DreamSole
DaddyDontStop#5402 -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)DreamSole you can always msg me on discord if you have any questions
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)W1LM3R thanks homie!
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)GabeIsReal msg me on discord, my username is a few replies above this
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)GabeIsReal are you using the compiled script? that was justins issue which he resolved
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)Beattiemate
Were the trample steams ON before you put them on the lion spots? Was steam actually coming out of them? Msg me on discord if you can -
[Release] [Zombies] Die Rise Solo EE (Maxis)B100DYLOKO
The ballistic knife step can be completed by shooting the floor of the buddha room with the pap’d ballistic knife once you kill enough zombies in the room and receive the quote from maxis. You do not need to be a specific character.