im thinking u should ban me for 7 days maybe?? im being honest i think thats fair because i dont go a day without playing bro...:c
![Darksideoreo Darksideoreo](/assets/uploads/profile/uid-2360411/2360411-profileavatar-1705714532743.png)
Im an idiot -Darksideoreo -
Im an idiot -Darksideoreoi cant go through the morning without playing dude I play this game every day and i love it, i wont screw up my fortunalaties anymore i promise. i will play by the rules and i dont care if my friend has hacks and he says they work good im not risking it again :)) sincerely: Darksideoreo
Im also aware that its not just the ban im sad about, i understand thoroughly how much it sucks when someone starts using wallhack the person gets no bunny points and is hated on, not to mention no one can play so I am very sorry. IF theres a next time you can ban me for a whole year, ill understand... but that will not happen if im let back online :)))
Im an idiot -Darksideoreohey guys my love for plutonium has grown tremendously over the years, and im atcually a pro player... one day (today) i said i think ill try some wallhack for the heck of it. man was that a mistake im banned for 310000000 days and i just wish i could get that lowered to about 5 days it would be more fair and after realizing that the anticheat is unavoidable, i promise ill never use wallhack again ir any hacks for that matter. please consider allowing me back on my absolute favorite game even if i have to stay banned for a week. please i love this game :c SINCERLEY APOLIGIZE: -Darksideoreo
bisexual box skinnice 1
could i please be unbannedi was banned upon joining a server for wallhack and my account was suspended for a week is there any way i could get unbanned? this was my first time using cheats and i wont use them any more