I've seen that, it's a pretty dead revival. Plutonium is better tho with the better anti-exploit system and the revival you mentioned is pretty cool tho, but there's still a possibility for them to make the revival.

will black ops 1 be in plutonium? -
will black ops 1 be in plutonium?Hey there!
Black Ops 1 would be a good game but there would be a lot of scripting/coding to do, fixing the client and such since it's an old game. But maybe there would be a shot at that!
Maybe they are working on it right now, maybe not. I don't know.
My guess is that there would be one if they have time for that. -
Alpha Tester Applications ThreadMr. Android
Hello, I am Despia.Before I apply I have much to tell you inside of this application, hoping to be accepted. Yes, I will be active if I join the Alpha/Beta Testing team. Anyways, moving on to the application!
What is your Discord Name: Despia#0001
My discord only allows DMS, I cannot accept friend requests due to settings.What timezone are you located in: Central Daylight Time
Are you able to troubleshoot software problems effectively:
Yes, I would hope to troubleshoot any issues involving the client system. Many of the client seems about alright to troubleshoot and it actually seems like a good way to start off by troubleshooting any errors that occur.The troubleshooting might make me be able to maintain the client & gameplay and making sure that the system works correctly.
Do you have a good understanding of the English language in both written and spoken form:
Yes, I have a good understanding but my words out of my mouth kind of just don't make any sense at all. But the words I type in are excellent.Are you able to follow instructions and behave maturely when required?
Yes, I will behave in most cases and beta test the client and the gameplay. What someone will ask me to help and follow instructions, I will do it. When someone asks me a question, I will answer them right way I'm supposed to do. I will not be messing around in this situation and I will be helping out.Can you attend voice chats?
Yes, if I have time. If I get into a voice chat I will behave and be mature at the moment. I will talk respectfully and game/test the client when I'm inside of the VC.Can you show anything you've helped with previously?
This is kind of my first time in a huge environment/community that I might to take the chance. Yes, I have worked on troubleshooting games but I haven't been to a bigger community than all that.Is there anything else you'd like to say/provide?
I'm an 18 year old Norwegian/American hoping and praying to actually achieve my goal in life as a Game Developer/Tester. I mostly play BO 2 on my ps3 and I really dislike the exploits so I came here just to help out and be a tester in most cases.