Exactly, what I mean is how each library contains.
Tips on script creation/coding. -
Tips on script creation/coding.For example, these.
#include maps/mp/_utility;
#include common_scripts/utility;
#include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_util;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_weapons;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_stats;
#include maps/mp/gametypes_zm/_hud_message;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_powerups;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_audio;
#include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_score; -
Tips on script creation/coding.@Tentha I searched, and although not all of them, some do have the source code, but I still don't know what each library is for. It's not as if I were looking for a tutorial to program in c++, its syntax, with its standard libraries and so on, but I'll keep trying, and thanks for your advice.
Tips on script creation/coding.Does anyone know where I could find theory on script coding? I got a little interested in this, I tried to get information of some scripts that are in the forum, and decompile some, to see their code, but when I compiled again, it gave errors, and did not touch anything of the code, I just wanted to try to understand how it worked, I liked some custom "power up" ones, one that improved the weapon, another that gave you infinite bullets for thirty seconds, and I wanted to try to replicate something like that, make a custom, I don't know, a x3 or x4, with a limit of duration.
P.S.: I speak Spanish, and my English is bad, I can handle basic programming concepts, (use a translator to transmit this message), if someone wants to help me, or give me some advice, thanks in advance.