Ok, here's some ideas I think could work.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Classic)
This game can be modded a bit, and on PC right now has the problem of unstable, old, 2005 servers. -
2K might lack interest from some, but this is a moddable game, and it solves the problem of 2K shutting down a games servers after 2 years, (e.g, 2K19 released November 2018, closed December 31st, 2020) but the problem with 2K is the 2K to revive. 2K16 is easily the best, but it lacks mod support. 17 had a great park but same problem as 16. 18 was an awful game in general, 19 was a good game, and had mod support, and 20 was 19 but worse, with more mod support. (20 would be a problem until 2022, when servers dir) -
CoD: BO3 and CoDs onwards
THIS IS A PITCH FOR YEARS FROM NOW, ATVI SUPPORT Similar reasons to create it as BO2 and MW3. Avoid modders, keep the game alive. MTX could be solved too. (Make all weapons available from the start or all level awards) -
Titanfall 1 or Battlefield
I'd love it, but EA would hate it if you touched any Battlefield newer than 3. TF1 and BF3 launch through Origin, and both can be glitched messes because of it. -
Yes, rektt5, and yes it's abandoned. But the game has mod support, similar to WaW, (although unfinished for the base game) BO1 we don't need as much because of it's server browser on Steam, so although it would be much appreciated, it's unlikely.