is it possible to install custom maps on the pluto version of bo1?
call of duty black ops -
bug zombie bo1Re: zombie crash bo1
how to solve the problem? then because on steam there is not this bug precisely.
zombie crash bo1hello to all I do not know if everyone has the same problem when we make the box and we recover the cz75 in duplicate and the game starts to crash with an error message
reglages non sauvegardésResxt je te remercie je vais tester ça et oui je parlais de bo1 j'avais oublié de préciser désolé.
reglages non sauvegardésBonsoir,
je n'arrive pas a sauvegarder mes parametres resolution en 1080p le son ect ,je met en fonction de mon pc malgré ca a chaque redémarrage impossible de garder mes parametres fait précédemments.
performance issueson the contrary I have a very good pc which runs recent games at 120 fps so I don't even understand bo2 to run very well only it started to row shortly after
performance issuesConsidering this, I had tested plutonium service for bo1 and bo2 and my CPU loaded to 100% after that, how
the plutonium service is causing this while everyone says its from a safe source and i see everyone playing it so i would like to do the same but not replant my pc and i have to reset the pc for that.