Hello ,I have been looking around for a script or something to pause a game , it doesn't really pause the game but if anyone wants to go AFK no they can and that was one of my main goals.
How to Use
open chat by pressing 'T'
Type 'p' and press Enter.
Type 'u' to unpause.
How it works
Makes Player invisible to zombies.
Gives play Invariability so no damaged is caused.
Freezes player in place so No one uses the pause in a bad/spam way [to keep the game clean].
GSC Code
level endon("end_game");
level waittill("say", message, player);
if (message == "p"){
self EnableInvulnerability();
self iprintln("Game Paused ");
self.ignoreme = 1;
player freezeControls(true);
level.gamestate = createServerFontString("hudsmall" , 31);
level.gamestate setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", "CENTER", 190);
level.gamestate setText("Game Paused");
}else if (message == "u"){
self DisableInvulnerability();
self iprintln("Game UnPaused ");
self.ignoreme = 0;
player freezeControls(false);
level.gamestate setText("");
wait 0.05;
Screen Shot
Future Goals
Full Game Pause for all Player
Try to freeze zombies in there places / freeze zombie spawn
Better GUI / Shortcut for game pause like a press of a button
thats hope this was useful and thank you