hindercanrun how so?

Nullifying player alpha -
Nullifying player alphai just found a mod menu called Gr3zZ v3 that reduces player alpha to null (become invisible) does any know the code for that?
Model changeri'm sorry to sound like a karen but i would be very grateful if someone made an invisibility mod or change model to something like kermit or any custom ped.
Model changerhindercanrun that's not really the answer i was waiting for, maybe you can make it?
Model changeris it possible anyone makes a complete makeover of the ultimis crew maybe like make them kermit the frog or something like that or just make them the call of the dead crew?
Model changeri've actually found something like
changeModel(model) { self setModel(model); self iprintln("Model set to: " + model); } //Use in your menu like ::changeModel, "model name here");
would this work?
Is there a list of ped models?
Model changeris it possible to swap my model from richtofen to like one of the guys of call of the dead? how would i go about doing that is it already done by someone else? can anyone point me in the right direction? i have no prior modding experience. Thank you.
Mob of the dead crew in every maphindercanrun no i was talking to load the whole entire ped model instead of the primis crew
Mob of the dead crew in every mapIs there a way to have the mob of the dead crew load in every single map?
Plutonium Black Ops 2 Won't LaunchI used to play on windows 10 then i switched to windows 11. Everything worked fine on windows 10 but on windows 11 i can't run black ops 2 version of plutonium even though world at war is working fine. For anyone who has played knows that vanilla waw is bad and boring after 100 hours of playtime. Anyways i have the normal windows defender antivirus, i have excluded the local appdata folder aswell as the installation of the game folder and made sure to run the loader as admin.
I was also recommended to Run r_fullscreen 2; vid_restart in the bootstrapper which didn't do anything at all. i'm struggling with this since february and no one managed to help me through it on discord
P.S : here's waht the log console says :Loading fastfile code_pre_gfx_zm [STEAM] 1 calls ready, running... [STEAM] running call 1 Loading fastfile patch_zm Loading fastfile en_patch_zm Loading fastfile code_post_gfx_zm Loading fastfile en_code_post_gfx_zm Parsing menu ui/t6/menus/optionscontrols.lua... Parsing menu ui/t6/menus/optionssettings.lua... Parsing menu ui/t6/dvarleftrightselector.lua... Parsing menu ui/t6/menus/safeareamenu.lua... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/loading.lua... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/scoreboard.lua... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/spectateplayercard.lua... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/class.lua... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/hud/team_marinesopfor.lua... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/menus/editgameoptionspopup.lua... Parsing menu ui_mp/t6/zombie/hudcompetitivescoreboardzombie.lua...
and it just freezes here with a sand clock cursor and a black screen WITHOUT SOUND