here is a screenshot of my game folder

Help, Just Downloaded the Game but cannot open it without getting an error -
Help, Just Downloaded the Game but cannot open it without getting an erroreverytime I run t6rmp.exe I get a message that says "Oops! Plutonium T6 ran into a problem and must be closed. Problem details have been written to t6r/crashdumps/mp/07_03_2020_09_21_55.dmp in your game directory. Please report this bug at (include the file mentioned above) to help us resolve it." I have tried looking at the discord and forums for help, and have reinstalled piry.exe multiple times but still have no idea how to fix it. please help. [0_1583645983182_07_03_2020_09_21_55.dmp](Uploading 100%) also I don't know how to upload the file.