Thanks for the reply guys. It isn't the switch controller that I'm trying to get working though. It is the Steam Controller. Maybe you guys can figure out how to get the Steam overly working again.
Big Picture Mode - Steam Controller -
Big Picture Mode - Steam ControllerHey everyone, I hope you are all well.
Does anyone have any advice regarding Steam's big picture mode after the update? When t6rmp was used, big picture mode could be linked to the program by adding a non-steam game. Now that Plutonium.exe is being used, it kind of side-loads Black Ops 2 and breaks big picture mode as soon as the game is launched from plutonium.exe's menu. I have tried adding both programs to the non-steam game library, but as soon as Plutonium executes the game such as Black OPs 2, the controller immediately stops working. I'm trying to use a Steam Controller by the way. I would be grateful for any advice if someone has managed to get the Steam Controller working. Thank you.