@dontknowletsplay Kamisama#2960 lmao add me i would greatly appreciate that help cuz i have been playing for so long now and my head hurts so bad and by the time u add me ill prolly be sleeping so yeh

ayo i need help with teddy bears i found 5 of em but cant find the rest and the fifth one i found was out of luck cuz i threw a grenade and it some how was in the teddy's radius and counted it -
ayo i need help with teddy bears i found 5 of em but cant find the rest and the fifth one i found was out of luck cuz i threw a grenade and it some how was in the teddy's radius and counted it@dontknowletsplay i found 9 of them and then looked for 20 mins but couldnt find the last one and then i went into noclip mode and searched but still couldnt find the last one
ayo i need help with teddy bears i found 5 of em but cant find the rest and the fifth one i found was out of luck cuz i threw a grenade and it some how was in the teddy's radius and counted it -
[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++Cahz **** 1 script error(s): **** Unresolved external : "extra_perk_spawns" with 0 parameters in "_zm_perks" at line 1 ****
how do i fix this?
[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++Cahz where am i supposed to replace the dedicated_zm.cfg cuz i cant find any in the games folder or the plutonium one