@TheeGamerMaster Thank you very much brother, this is what I needed

Enter dev map zombies mode -
Enter dev map zombies modeIs there a way to enter dev map mode in the origins map? I used the dev map command but I remembered when I used the same command in WAW Zombies, but it required putting the name of the map to be able to enter, that is, example : "dev map Nuketown_12.1", and entered the map as dev and could use commands.
How would it be to use this command here in plutonium bo2 zombies to test commands within the map? Commands such as: give ammo, ufo, among other commands.
Error al abrir plutonium bo2Cuando abro el instalador, abre el luncher y todo normal hasta ahí, puse mi carpeta donde está el BO2 (Lo tengo en steam), al darle Play sale un error: "Missing config file "default_mp_controls.cfg" during initiliazation. May need to add to code_pre_gfx."
¿Hay manera de solucionar eso?