Bdog129w you know you can modify the script yourself... right?
if you are looking to make it deal inf damage, you would set it to self_health + 1 in the weapon damage or something like that
Bdog129w you know you can modify the script yourself... right?
if you are looking to make it deal inf damage, you would set it to self_health + 1 in the weapon damage or something like that
@Koopatoad You mean T4, right? T6(/T6R) is bo2
NeverKill My best guess is to make a script (scripts are .gsc files, can be made from changing a text file to have .gsc instead of .txt as file extension) file, containing the code, in (wherever pluto is installed, usually /(user)/appdata/local/Plutonium/storage/t6/scripts/zm)