I used a cheat from unknown cheats and activated it in a private because the GSC menus glitch out on custom maps. I am not asking for an unban but it says I have to wait 811.5 years can this be reduced or am I going to half to buy a new pc and change my IP addy? if a dev could reduce it to a year or something reasonable I would appreciate it. #activision sucks
banned -
bannedHannesC yeah it says error now i cant play until i get a new pc?? fuc no Bahahahahaha
bannedadmin, I got banned on t6z and I was wondering if u could tell me if it is permanent. im a daily player and i would never hack mp. if not thats alright. check my stats??
why does my fov drop so much from 120 fov when i adsRektInator said in why does my fov drop so much from 120 fov when i ads:
the cg_fovscale does not work but I never tried fovmin tho so ima do that rn