@VerifyZ well I was able to find a temporary work around.
/statsetbyname rank 49;statsetbyname rankxp 999999999;statsetbyname plevel 15;statsetbyname codpoints 2500000;updategamerprofile;uploadstats
just enter that into console
@VerifyZ well I was able to find a temporary work around.
/statsetbyname rank 49;statsetbyname rankxp 999999999;statsetbyname plevel 15;statsetbyname codpoints 2500000;updategamerprofile;uploadstats
just enter that into console
I'm in the BO1 multiplayer menu and I've tried /unlockall and unlockall (without the /) both in the console and each time my level still doesn't change.
What is zone/all? Sorry if it's a dumb question I'm just new to using Plutonium and even modding COD.
Hi, so I installed BO2 from Steam and used those files for Plutonium. I downloaded the DLC torrent from the Plutonium website (t6_dlcs) and yet all the zombies DLC maps have got missing textures on them when I click the icon and the loading screens are also missing textures, then the map doesn't load also, it just gets stuck on the loading screen. I've tried downloading the torrent twice and even verified my files, what am I doing wrong?