Pistakilla i did but they dont show up

Mods not showing up -
WAW crashing when trying to load into serversjdandrea_05 same like i join a server and my game crashes and never loads up the server
Mods not showing upSo i finally moved my mods from actvision mods folder to plutonium storage T4 mods folder but the mods wont show up how can i fix?
WaW modded zombie maps@M0untainLight6 nah thank you man XD
WaW modded zombie maps@M0untainLight6 omg tysm bro your a legend I love you (no homo lmao I’m not gay) respects bro
WaW modded zombie mapsH3X1C how do you load mods from t4 not activision do you copy the mods from activision folder/steam loads them from and paste them into the plutonium storage t4?
Script compile error maps/_zombiemode_utility - Broken game filesI’ve also tried reinstalling like 5 times still no luck
Script compile error maps/_zombiemode_utility - Broken game filesMazenAshraf101 wdym I’ve always been doing that I even try xpartygo on a co op still no luck same error
Script compile error maps/_zombiemode_utility - Broken game filesso each time i boot up a custom zombies map it says this and also when i boot up a zombies map like der riese or nacht it stays on the loading screen should i redownload waw?
Cant download the t4 torrent file@Russkek Aye your welcome yesterday i wanted to predownload waw only to realise i have the same error so i did that and i thought i could help you with the mega link!!
Cant download the t4 torrent fileItsJonathan Np!!!
Cant download the t4 torrent file@Russkek that happened to me but when i was on my phone it let me download it so i imported it into mega -removed- here if u need it
T4 thank you noteoh XD alright but less than an hour and T4 gets blown up with servers!!
1 hour left for release!!1 Hour and T4 Has been Released!!! Thanks Mr. Android and all the developers/staff!!!
T4 thank you noteno in 1 hour
for my time its coming out at 1pm eastern time idk for yalls times -
how do i play infectedkyemel_person are you sure you did everything right?
in the guides -
how do i play infectedHmm i think so
Why is plutonium always crashing ?mWlan Get a better pc or something cus its enough to play but maybe its the hard drive MAYBE but still i think a new pc benefits you or just wait to connect
Does it have t4mMr. Android Alright Thanks Mr Android cant wait for the release in 4 Hours and 40 Minutes!!!!
Does it have t4mNot tryna be an idiot Ik it’s called t4 waW but still idk but does waW plutonium have t4m for mods not the multiplayer cus there’s some maps in ugx saying they need t4m like this map https://www.ugx-mods.com/forum/map-releases/29/t4mfirebase-glacier-v1-2/16359/