kiels after you announced the free to play update at the start of this year people were thrilled to play this wasn't ever your main source of income and the community was fine with paying and supporting where they could but you misled the community with false promises. as someone who deeply respected and wanted to learn from all of your coding and creations this hurts me that you would throw everyone away for a few dollars. blaze fana cloudy emp luffy twinkle sparkle moon and all the other amazing staff have worked their ass of for you and supported you and the server so much and for you to just toss it out the fucking window is disgusting ztav was a lovely place for zombie fans and now its turned into a memory for us. also another picture of kiels banning for no reason
Invalid Topic - Issue Has Been Dealt With.Apr 29, 2024, 7:20 PM -
Purple Combo Textures for bo2Aug 26, 2023, 10:26 AMwhy is there a among us picture
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