Resxt I have, yes. There are definitely a lot of amazing custom maps for COD4, fortunately most of the ones I could hope for, in fact. Most of my favorites from games such as BO2 have been ported. There aren't many left that I hope to see get ported someday, but there are a few that remain elusive and which, given the age of the games, I worry will never see the light of day.

MW3 player count limit woes -
MW3 player count limit woesDarn, that's unfortunately what I expected to be the case. How crazy that Activision went backwards with a feature as important as player count (and then stayed that way for such a long time). Thanks for letting me know that I can at least stop scouring for scripts that might do this.
Is it especially difficult to port MW3 maps? I would imagine that it's not as simple as "run this map through this program and it's ready to load into a different game", but there are about a dozen maps I'm desperate to see in COD4 and it seems like it's never going to happen.
MW3 player count limit woesHello everyone, new to the forum. I was wondering whether two things are possible: that the max player count (or at least bot count) can be increased beyond the game's default limit, and / or whether maps for MW3 can be converted / ported to COD4.
I spent a year or so creating hundreds of waypoints for COD4 with my buddy Jak but there are still (surprisingly) a handful of maps from other games that were never ported to COD4, maps that I would really love to play. I can access most of those maps in MW3, but switching to a game with such a lower player count is really a drag. The game just feels empty.
Can I get any of these maps in COD4 (willing to try the porting job for personal use myself, if such a thing can be done), or at least increase the MW3 player count beyond the "barely more than can fit into a public bathroom" limit?