Hello, I'm new to Plutonium forums and just using this client in general which I really love! It does bring back the memories but there is one thing I'm confused about.
Here you can see that there are 2 pictures of the menu screen you see when you first start the game nothing strange, right? Well if you look at the first and the second picture you can see that one of them dont have Campaign and Zombies available which is the one that I myself see. Zombies isn't a problem since I could just use the plutonium to launch it but what about campaign? I have completed it but that was years ago so I wouldn't mind having it and being able to switch to zombies just by a click of a button would also be a cool feature.
The biggest problem is that for some reason I don't have custom games for zombies just like shown under this picture. You may be wondering why I would need it and that is because I want to play with a friend alone without any modified maps and there was a method I found on youtube that worked for everyone apart from me since I can't even use custom games..
It seems like I have a lite version of plutonium? Or I installed something incorrectly? I haven't bought Black Ops 2 I am just using the one you get for free.
Thank you for reading through all of this.