ich würde dir empfehlen manuell die ports zu öffnen schau einfach auf google nach den jeweiligen ports
UPnP-Fehlerstatus 3. UPnP hat erfolgreich Port 27016 beansprucht! -
Alpha Tester Applications ThreadWhat is your Discord Name? jevz#9897
What timezone are you located in? CEST
Are you able to troubleshoot software problems effectively? Yes
Do you have a good understanding of the English language in both written and spoken form? Yes, first language is German
Are you able to follow instructions and behave maturely when required? Of Course
Can you attend voice chats? (Having a microphone is preferred but not required) Yup
Can you show anything you've helped with previously?
Not specifically with plutonium but i have been in this community for a good while. Also hosted a few servers here and there.Is there anything else you'd like to say / provide?
I would really like to contribute towards the plutonium project, as it adds more fun to my daily hobby and passion. I'm able to playtest and also troubleshoot. Also can understand a bit of code (C++).Cheers
[Linux] Plutonium updater file broken, Plutonium bootstrap (Windows) brokenhad the same problem, don't expect an answer