OK so I use "Toggle ADS" that is why it keeps going to the right side so i have to click one more time to make it stop. I am used to toggle ADS because I play Escape from Tarkov.
After I switched to "ADS" in controls this issue doesn't happen.
Any solution for "Toggle ADS" players that would be great.

[Release] Black ops II Mapvote for Zombies and Multiplayer -
[Release] Black ops II Mapvote for Zombies and MultiplayerSorex https://youtu.be/ROrvvnEugp8
Of course I release the click as soon as i pressed it still it keeps going to the right side.
To make it stop I have to double click the aim button then it stops. -
[Release] Black ops II Mapvote for Zombies and MultiplayerWhen I right click the selection window keeps going to the right side automatically it doesn't stop. Any solution?