i won't deny i was kinda trashposting, i definitely was trolling a lot of people but i think i got banned because i dm-ed someone privately a torrent to bo2, however i apologize and i will not make the same mistakes again. please unban @halilovich77 discord. its kinda weird that they removed # tags

discord ban -
Plutonium will die after steam check?i wouldn't say it will die, it will lose some players maybe even a lot of players but it certainly won't die, since still a lot of player actually own the games
IW 5 ShipmentResxt
but not many servers use it
i only found 1 server that uses this
if plutonium added it maybe more servers would host on it -
IW 5 Shipmentsorry if you don't understand me english is not my primary language
i meant why not add SHipment to the list of the custom maps plutonium provides -
IW 5 ShipmentSince there is already mp_shipment on one server and its working beautifully, why not add full support, playerbase always loved shipment.
Will We See Black Ops 3's Inclusion?i believe BOIII itself didnt get C&D but Xlabs, Momo just shut down BOIII to prevent any more troubles
Is it worth getting MW3?but what with the free version you can get with Dedicated server tool on steam
BO3@ivanovich_ brt uradi sta od zivota umjesto sto 24 7 odgovaras na bo3 postove
Other franchises?didnt ask for them to add new games, i asked if they ever considered changing franchises
Other franchises?I know that plutonium mainly focuses on Call of Duty, but have you ever considered going into battlefield series or maybe even halo or titanfall?
Battlefield 3 and any of the older games could definitely use a client
Older Halo games got MCC treatmant but im sure it would benefit from plutonium
And Titanfall 1 and 2 definitely need a client.If there is a client for any of these games please inform me.
cod4x and steam versionsResxt cod4x is not a client, its just a mod that fixes some bugs and gives us more servers, some bugs in the game like stats constantly being reset can be fixed with cod4x
Plutonium version of Black ops 3bo 1 is coming though
As i said in a post up there, i already play bo 3 from time to time, my friend is family sharing it to me on steam whenever i want, i don't want to buy it because it's not worth it 7 years later, but the game is just dead, zombies still have players sometimes , multiplayer is dead, custom games are screwed. -
T7.BO3 would probably just make your BO 2 client lose players, when people start hearing that they can play bo 3 again normally and for free, believe thats gonna get you masses of players
T7.Now before staff team gets toxic to me, i don't want to seem like i am forcing this to happen, this is just a friendly post of trying to encourage it.
I also see that people are saying that you would get sued if you made it, X-Labs did S1X with Advanced Warfare which is just a year younger than BO3, if the situation is any different though please explain is a i am ready to know.
Let me just say some of the reasons why it should happen (and these are from my experience after playing for just about 3 hours after my friend family shared it to me on steam)
1.Multiplayer is basically dead.
My personal experience from playing 3 days ago, i hardly managed to find a lobby of classic TDM Nuk3town, waited almost 10 minutes to find a lobby of 4 players including me and 3 guys who said they were from India, and i am from South Europe, and my ping goes like 150 which is higher than my fps
You can try playing custom with friends but you will always as a host have 5 ping and you friends would have 150, with plutonium, you can get dedicated custom servers, or possibly pay hosting for your own one,
There are not many lobbies you can find, and chances are big you will find cheaters, which brings us to the next point.- Its full of cheaters, modders, hackers, whatever the fuck you call those fuckers.
Personal experience, fucker joins the game puts 6 attachments on his VMP, moves faster then light and wallbangs the shit out of me without possibly knowing where i am, gets 3 nuclear badges in 30 seconds.
That is probably one of the reasons multiplayer is dead.
With Plutonium Anti-Cheat this wouldn't be much of a problem, multiplayer would be fixed.- Private Custom servers can be such a trash at sometimes
Playing with another friend who owns the game, we subscribe to cheese cube v5 on workshop, guess what when i host the guy lags so much he can't move properly, when he hosts i lag constantly, and its not because of our internet connection because when we play any other game the situation is good, like in CSGO private servers they work so well on us.
So we tried some 1v1 on Nuk3town ofcourse, i host, server randomly crashes when it feels like doing so, he hosts i have 300 ping.
With Plutonium we would have dedicated servers that enable us to play normally modded servers, yes they wont be private but better anything than nothing.- It is too expensive for a 7 year old game.
Thats not as much of a problem for me because my friend lets me play whenever i want because he doesn't play it.
You have to pay 100 euros to have the full experience ffs.
Zombie Deluxe edition with all the dlcs does not exist on any other sites that sell keys.
The editions that do exists are most of the time out of stock. And when they are they sell out so quick. I've been checking on site Instant-Gaming, my go to site for games , been buying off them for already 4 years. Currently BO 3 classic is in stock, any other edition is not.
That's it, I am willing learn why this isn't possible in the comments with hopefully friendly and non-toxic replies.
The Plutonium T4 (WAW) Suggestions ThreadMr. Android gold camo, like master all the weapons and get gold camo, but only gold camo, really no need for other ones, like, gold weapon is special reward you get after completing something, camos dont really fit in waw style but i think many will agree gold camo would be cool