Wipedika got the same issue loading it up works but just before it starts it crashes on servers and solo and custom it just puts me back in the lobby

BO2 Origins not working -
[ZM] Animated Camo Semi-Pack@FrozenSalad Hey this camo looks sick! But how do i install these when i have it on steam ?
[MP] Black sky camo from IWGhostRider0125 Thats really intresting. Is there such a thing as a script already ? For instance having motd pap camo on other maps ?
[MP] Black sky camo from IWGhostRider0125 probably because its animated right ?
[MP] Black sky camo from IWleapyleaf Looks awsome! But can you make it for zombies as the pap camo ?
[Release] All-In-One Retexture PackCahz Hey man quick question how can i make the dark matter camo replace all pap camos ?