I can see there is no support here, us marines are used to that. Funny Activision had a fantastic matchmaking system, I was rated 3rd worldwide on PS, and that was with lower internet almost 20 years ago. Believe me i know about logistical limitations, but I was trained to eliminate targets regardless. Frame loss and rubber banding do not make for effective play!
If i had the speed that a lot of these players have i would not be hiding in an old game that can be ran on older systems.

Equity (a fair fight) -
Equity (a fair fight)I have been all over the world for my country, my location is unavailable for anything other than cellular and no I should not have to switch what type of game I like playing. In this climate of equality, I think the Woke will have a field day with it. If that's the stance of Plutonium, your servers will be all but empty soon. And i live in TX and unable to get below 100 ping as well as a lot of American players.
Equity (a fair fight)It is my intention to make it known that not all players are given the chance to have a fun experience. If you host servers that have rankings, shouldn't all have a shot based on talent? Well that is not the case I'm afraid. The top ranking always go to the lower ping players, they have an unfair advantage. It is not always possible geographically for players to have super fast inet, they have the want to play a decently fair game however.
I call for servers to throttle lower ping players to comparably match to higher ping players so as to fairly match them, or setup servers with a max ping to accommodate the low ping players apart. Then rankings can reflect true talent, not who can get best inet.
It is my intention to push this all the way, even if it changes or destroys competitive gaming.